(caprioli, scoiattoli, rane, pettirossi, aquile ... ),
I Cinque Riti Tibetani a freedomYoga- land.

Would you like to take your holidays in Brembana Valley and Valsecca?
In a couple of hours from London to Bergamo and in 40 minutes by bus from Bergamo you reach Brembana Valley!
A stay in the Brembana Valley is the ideal choice of every age group. It is the ideal holiday for rhose who love nature based tourism and appreciate places where nature, art and history are a living heritage.This has been preserved for centuries by hardworking and kindly people offering and enhancing a new experience to those who appreciate discreet and incomparable charm.
Sport and Free Time
Cyclotourism, trekking, fishing and canoeing along the river Brembo, and horse riding in the woods, are just some of the many sporting and leisure activities that the Valley offers its guests in summer, in the outdoor areas and well-equipped sports halls.
Walking along the paths of the old historic roads in Valle Brembana, you can immerse yourself in a land that preserves traces of past lives, art and sacredness, among beautiful scenery and scents and colours of incomparable splendour.
On foot or by mountain bike, the itineraries in the heart of the valley (the most famous being the old Via Mercatorum) allow you to appreciate habits and customs and experience the wholesomeness of the local food delights.
Typical Products
Valle Brembana produces a large quantity of dairy products. The wide variety of cheeses with the D.O.P. (Protected Designation of Origin) mark is connected to the land and to farming traditions.
From the raw material par excellence, milk, and using skilled processing techniques, cheeses are produced such as Branzi and Taleggio, manufactured in towns of the same name, Formai de Mut, a mountain cheese produced in the summer, the characteristic fresh cheese Agrì and Strachitunt, a circular-shaped “stracchino.
A stay in the Brembana Valley is the ideal choice of every age group. It is the ideal holiday for those who love nature based tourism and appreciate places where nature, art and history are a living heritage.
This has been preserved for centuries by hardworking and kindly people offering and enhancing a new experience to those who appreciate discreet and incomparable charm.